The Dimocarpus longan tree can grow up to 6 to 7 meters in height, and the plant is very sensitive to frost. Longan trees require sandy soil and temperatures that do not typically go below 4.5 degrees Celsius (40.1 degrees Fahrenheit). Longans and lychees bear fruit at around the same time of the year.
The longan (龍眼 lóng yǎn, lit. "dragon eye") (ផ្លែមាន), is so named because it resembles an eyeball when its fruit is shelled (the black seed shows through the translucent flesh like a pupil/iris). The seed is small, round and hard, and of an enamel-like, lacquered black. The fully ripened, freshly harvested shell is bark-like, thin, and firm, making the fruit easy to shell by squeezing the fruit out as if one is "cracking" a sunflower seed. When the shell has more moisture content and is more tender, the fruit becomes less convenient to shell. The tenderness of the shell varies due to either premature harvest, variety, weather conditions, or transport/storage conditions.
The longan is listed as Near Threatened on the IUCN Red List. A relative of the longan fruit is Lansium domesticum, better known as the langsat fruit, found in and around South East Asia.
The fruit is sweet, juicy and succulent in superior agricultural varieties and, apart from being eaten fresh, is also often used in East Asian soups, snacks, desserts, and sweet-and-sour foods, either fresh or dried, sometimes canned with syrup in supermarkets. The taste is different from lychees; while longan have a drier sweetness, lychees are often messily juicy with a more tropical, sour sweetness. The seed and the shell are not consumed.
Dried longan, called guìyuán (桂圆) in Chinese, are often used in Chinese cuisine and Chinese sweet dessert soups. In Chinese food therapy and herbal medicine, it is believed to have an effect on relaxation. In contrast with the fresh fruit, which is juicy and white, the flesh of dried longans is dark brown to almost black. In Chinese medicine, the longan, much like the lychee, is thought to give internal "heat" (上火).
Potassium chlorate has been found to cause the longan tree to blossom. However, this causes stress on the tree if it is used excessively, and eventually kills it.
Advantage of Longan
This time we will up close and personal with longan fruit. Longan fruit is actually a tropical fruit. We can found this fruit in Southeast Asia. With sweet taste this fruit contain many vitamins and mineral as well. This is totally useful for our health. There are several substance inside longan fruit, like: sucrose, glucose, protein, fat, vitamin A, vitamin B, acid tartarik, and chemicals plants (phytochemicals). The combination of these phytochemical compounds gave various benefits, like: relaxing the nerves.
Longan fruit also has benefit in calming effect and are useful to overcome anxiety, insomnia. Other resources said that this fruit came from China mainland and it has the same family with rambutan and lychees. Some of us use this fruit as a dessert. Other benefit of longan fruit are good for healthy heart and can treat heart pounding. A study was shown that longan fruit work to strengthen the spleen, increases production of red blood, increase appetite, and increase energy. So, it’s good to be consumed by people who are in the process of stamina recovery after illness.
Longan fruit is good to nourish the intestinal and the absorption process, launched urination, overcome worms, nourish the eyes, treat headaches, vaginal discharge and hernia problem. The longan root is also useful for blood circulation, even the longan leaf work as anti-inflammatory and fever reducer. The Longan seeds are useful to relieve pain and stop bleeding. The longan seed also useful as material for washing hair shampoo, because it contains saponin compounds that can produce foam in large quantities.
Vitamin C
Longan fruit is high in vitamin C, with 80 percent of your daily needs in a half cup. Vitamin C helps your body absorb iron from the foods you eat, so combining longan fruit with chicken or fish will increase your iron levels. This vitamin also plays a role in healthy immunity, skin and cells, and helps your body heal wounds.
Longan fruit is high in vitamin C, with 80 percent of your daily needs in a half cup. Vitamin C helps your body absorb iron from the foods you eat, so combining longan fruit with chicken or fish will increase your iron levels. This vitamin also plays a role in healthy immunity, skin and cells, and helps your body heal wounds.
While fruit allergies are relatively rare, the Hong Kong Centre for Food Safety advises caution when purchasing longan fruit because it might have been treated with sulfur dioxide, which can produce an allergic reaction in some people. The group recommends buying longan fruit only from reputable dealers, storing it properly and washing it well before eating to reduce any risks. If the fruit is damaged, do not eat it because the sulfur dioxide could have contaminated the flesh of the fruit. If you notice any symptoms of a food allergy after eating longan fruit, including trouble breathing, hives or a rash, seek medical help right away.
While fruit allergies are relatively rare, the Hong Kong Centre for Food Safety advises caution when purchasing longan fruit because it might have been treated with sulfur dioxide, which can produce an allergic reaction in some people. The group recommends buying longan fruit only from reputable dealers, storing it properly and washing it well before eating to reduce any risks. If the fruit is damaged, do not eat it because the sulfur dioxide could have contaminated the flesh of the fruit. If you notice any symptoms of a food allergy after eating longan fruit, including trouble breathing, hives or a rash, seek medical help right away.
Weight Control

Longan is used as remedy for stomach ache, insomnia, amnesia, and dropsy. The fruit is said to invigorate the heart and spleen, nourish the blood and have a calming effect on the nervous system. A spoonful of longan tonic made of equal quantities of longan flesh and sugar simmered in water till it is reduced to a syrup consistency is recommended twice a day. A decoction of the dried flesh is taken as a tonic and treatment for insomnia and neurasthenic neurosis. In Vietnam, the "eye" of the longan seed is pressed against snakebite in the belief that it will absorb the venom. The seeds are administered to counteract heavy sweating, the pulverized kernel, which contains saponin, tannin and fat, serves as a styptic (substance that draws together or constricts body tissues and is effective in stopping the flow of blood or other secretions). If you eate it too much, it make your body's temperature increase.
A number of the health advantage promises related to longan range from the following:
A great blood tonic
Longan is probably the leading blood medicines of Chinese tonic herbalism, it is usually coupled with various other blood medications just like Dang Gui as well as Peony to create blood building teas and also formulations. Dragon Eye Fruit includes a very high amount of iron – just about twenty times those of grapes and in addition 15 times those of spinach.
A great Qi tonic for building up your everyday energy
Eaten on a regular basis, Longan is much more than only a temporary energy enhancer. It is really an outstanding Qi tonic which raises long-term energy. As it is equally a blood tonic along with a Qi tonic, you can use it to alleviate sleeplessness, lapse of memory and also anxiousness which are the outcomes of blood and also Qi insufficiency, in accordance with Chinese beliefs.
Promotes calmness
Longan encourages stillness, particularly when coupled with Shen tonics just like Reishi. It’s been discovered to enhance a deep, rejuvenating sleep. In case you have sleeplessness, you can savor utilizing a traditional tonic formulation referred to as “Ginseng and Longan Combination” which is renowned for assisting encourage an excellent night’s sleep.
A fantastic beauty herb and sex tonic
Longan provides shine and sweetness on the skin. It really is considered among the Chinese people that Longan isn’t just ideal for the skin, however can also be a wonderful sex tonic. Because of this, Longan is recognized as a necessity for ladies who need to be equally beautiful and also sensuous – it features a 2000 year reputation like a unique love tonic.
Longan nurtures the heart
In accordance with classic Chinese herbal theory, Longan immediately feeds the heart, endorsing heart health.
The fresh, scrumptious and also fairly sweet longans consist of much more health improvements compared to what we all know. One of several lesser-known advantages of longans is that they aids in preventing any kind of stomach ache, bacterial infections as well as enhance defense mechanisms too.
This cousin of lychee can perform wonders in your nerves and so are suggested just as one anti-depressant. In addition they include a calming effect on the central nervous system, they’re shown to improve nerve function, reduce irritability and lower exhaustion. Longans are also capable to deal with neurasthenic neurosis and also sleeping disorders.
Longans assist rejuvenate blood and so are outstanding treatment for anemia. Likewise, they’re able to improve iron intake within body of a human. The fruit has been said to profit heart health too. By reducing tension and also exhaustion, they provide alleviation in cardiovascular disease and also perform a huge role to keep the blood pressure.
Fresh longans assist produce wonders for the skin too. They’re recognized to consist of anti-ageing effect and therefore are shown to enhance skin overall health. The fruit is especially recognized to profit the fragile skin near to the eyes, reduce peeling and also breaking of skin and for that reason increase your appearance.
This scrumptious, sweet fruit will benefit eye-sight, deal with gums and teeth issues and also oral cracks as well as sores successfully.
With higher vitamin C content, the fruit is useful in safeguarding the body from colds and also flu, and enables to improve the defense mechanisms. Vitamin C assists the entire body in soaking up iron also it is important in sustaining healthy skin and also allowing the body to recover injuries. Vitamin C works well for enhancing wound recovery and also raises durability since it battles the free radicals which injury cells.
Together with polyphenols, it will help in eliminating off free-radicals which are harming to cells and also results in cancer along with injury to arteries therefore raise the risk for cardiac arrest and also strokes. Research is continuing with regards to the usefulness and also security of anti-oxidants within the longan.
The fruit is lower in fats and also calories as well as constitutes a healthy addition for the diet of those wishing to slim down. Longans consist of complex carbohydrates (sucrose) and also glucose which raises energy enhances stamina and also decreases food cravings.
Logans are suggested as anti-depressants since they have got a calming effect on the central nervous system, they will improve nerve function, reduce irritability and lower exhaustion. All this is a result of the essential minerals included in the fruit.
They have been proved to consist of iron that is needed in red blood cell creation and for that reason helps in reducing the chance of anemia.
The vitamins included in the fruit assist in improving complexion of skin, reduces the cracking and also ripping of skin as well as assisting to keep the teeth and gums in good condition. Additionally, it features a positive effect on eyesight and is also useful in decreasing cataract development and also decreasing the chance of age-related macular degeneration and also night blindness.
The seed of the fresh fruit is administered since it assists combat heavy perspiring as well as the pulverized kernel is considered to have Saponins, tannin and fats that provide a styptic or perhaps a substance that pulls tissue jointly therefore restricting the tissue and also successfully preventing blood along with other secretions.
Longans may also be utilized to deal with insomnia, to beat anxiousness along with a trouble in concentration since it consists of fitokimianya which serves to unwind the nerves and offers a relaxing effect.
A number of the health advantage promises related to longan range from the following:
A great blood tonic
Longan is probably the leading blood medicines of Chinese tonic herbalism, it is usually coupled with various other blood medications just like Dang Gui as well as Peony to create blood building teas and also formulations. Dragon Eye Fruit includes a very high amount of iron – just about twenty times those of grapes and in addition 15 times those of spinach.
A great Qi tonic for building up your everyday energy
Eaten on a regular basis, Longan is much more than only a temporary energy enhancer. It is really an outstanding Qi tonic which raises long-term energy. As it is equally a blood tonic along with a Qi tonic, you can use it to alleviate sleeplessness, lapse of memory and also anxiousness which are the outcomes of blood and also Qi insufficiency, in accordance with Chinese beliefs.
Promotes calmness
Longan encourages stillness, particularly when coupled with Shen tonics just like Reishi. It’s been discovered to enhance a deep, rejuvenating sleep. In case you have sleeplessness, you can savor utilizing a traditional tonic formulation referred to as “Ginseng and Longan Combination” which is renowned for assisting encourage an excellent night’s sleep.
A fantastic beauty herb and sex tonic
Longan provides shine and sweetness on the skin. It really is considered among the Chinese people that Longan isn’t just ideal for the skin, however can also be a wonderful sex tonic. Because of this, Longan is recognized as a necessity for ladies who need to be equally beautiful and also sensuous – it features a 2000 year reputation like a unique love tonic.
Longan nurtures the heart
In accordance with classic Chinese herbal theory, Longan immediately feeds the heart, endorsing heart health.
The fresh, scrumptious and also fairly sweet longans consist of much more health improvements compared to what we all know. One of several lesser-known advantages of longans is that they aids in preventing any kind of stomach ache, bacterial infections as well as enhance defense mechanisms too.
This cousin of lychee can perform wonders in your nerves and so are suggested just as one anti-depressant. In addition they include a calming effect on the central nervous system, they’re shown to improve nerve function, reduce irritability and lower exhaustion. Longans are also capable to deal with neurasthenic neurosis and also sleeping disorders.
Longans assist rejuvenate blood and so are outstanding treatment for anemia. Likewise, they’re able to improve iron intake within body of a human. The fruit has been said to profit heart health too. By reducing tension and also exhaustion, they provide alleviation in cardiovascular disease and also perform a huge role to keep the blood pressure.
Fresh longans assist produce wonders for the skin too. They’re recognized to consist of anti-ageing effect and therefore are shown to enhance skin overall health. The fruit is especially recognized to profit the fragile skin near to the eyes, reduce peeling and also breaking of skin and for that reason increase your appearance.
This scrumptious, sweet fruit will benefit eye-sight, deal with gums and teeth issues and also oral cracks as well as sores successfully.
With higher vitamin C content, the fruit is useful in safeguarding the body from colds and also flu, and enables to improve the defense mechanisms. Vitamin C assists the entire body in soaking up iron also it is important in sustaining healthy skin and also allowing the body to recover injuries. Vitamin C works well for enhancing wound recovery and also raises durability since it battles the free radicals which injury cells.
Together with polyphenols, it will help in eliminating off free-radicals which are harming to cells and also results in cancer along with injury to arteries therefore raise the risk for cardiac arrest and also strokes. Research is continuing with regards to the usefulness and also security of anti-oxidants within the longan.
The fruit is lower in fats and also calories as well as constitutes a healthy addition for the diet of those wishing to slim down. Longans consist of complex carbohydrates (sucrose) and also glucose which raises energy enhances stamina and also decreases food cravings.
Logans are suggested as anti-depressants since they have got a calming effect on the central nervous system, they will improve nerve function, reduce irritability and lower exhaustion. All this is a result of the essential minerals included in the fruit.
They have been proved to consist of iron that is needed in red blood cell creation and for that reason helps in reducing the chance of anemia.
The vitamins included in the fruit assist in improving complexion of skin, reduces the cracking and also ripping of skin as well as assisting to keep the teeth and gums in good condition. Additionally, it features a positive effect on eyesight and is also useful in decreasing cataract development and also decreasing the chance of age-related macular degeneration and also night blindness.
The seed of the fresh fruit is administered since it assists combat heavy perspiring as well as the pulverized kernel is considered to have Saponins, tannin and fats that provide a styptic or perhaps a substance that pulls tissue jointly therefore restricting the tissue and also successfully preventing blood along with other secretions.
Longans may also be utilized to deal with insomnia, to beat anxiousness along with a trouble in concentration since it consists of fitokimianya which serves to unwind the nerves and offers a relaxing effect.
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